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Phillip Loya
Phillip Loya

Phillip Loya


San Francisco, CA USA

"The only way to break down these barriers is through things like tech. You guys are the pioneers. You’re not the guinea pigs—you’re the astronauts."

Career Roadmap

Phillip's work combines: Education, Technology, and Helping People

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Day In The Life

Fellows Program Recruitment Manager

I create programs and tools to get black and latino/a students excited about technology and computer science.

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

  • Bachelor's Degree

    Political Science and Government, General

    University of California-Berkeley

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life has been direct

  • 1.

    Grew up in Boyle Heights in a low-income family.

  • 2.

    He always loved school; while in high school, he did so well that he was invited to partake in a summer program at UC Berkeley.

  • 3.

    After that summer, he knew that he wanted to go to Berkeley, and he wanted to find a job where he could help low-income, underrepresented students like himself.

  • 4.

    Says without the help of his teachers and counselors, he probably wouldn’t have made it to college, let alone to Berkeley.

  • 5.

    While he was at Berkeley, he volunteered with youth and worked for the same summer incentive program that had impacted him as a child.

  • 6.

    One day, he saw a job posting for CODE2040’s student recruitment manager; he thought that was a perfect job for him, at a company that he believed in.

  • 7.

    Says that being in the tech world has opened his eyes to the huge disparity in privilege and representation within that sphere.

  • 8.

    His goal is to educate students and their families as to the massive opportunities a career in tech will afford them.

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    Messages from undefined:

  • How I responded:

Experiences and challenges that shaped me

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  • Grew up in a low income, single parent home. It was just my mom, sister, and me.

  • We grew up a block away from the projects. Gunshots every night, helicopters, all that stuff.