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Career Roadmap

Collin's work combines: Law, Business, and Being Creative

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Day In The Life

2VP and Regional Director, Subrogation Major Case

I manage a team of Subrogation Major Case Professionals who sit throughout the country.

Skills & Education

Here's the path I took:

  • High School

    Bristol Central High School

  • Bachelor's Degree

    BS in Print Journalism, BA in History

    Boston University

  • Graduate Degree


    University of Connecticut School of Law

Here's the path I recommend for someone who wants to be a Claims Adjusters, Examiners, & Investigators:

Bachelor's Degree: BS in Print Journalism, BA in History

Graduate Degree: JD

Learn more about different paths to this career

Life & Career Milestones

My path in life took a while to figure out

  • 1.

    Having to work full time to pay for college was a struggle, but it taught me the value of working hard and being accountable to yourself and others.

  • 2.

    As a preschool and toddler teacher during college (and a full-time babysitter), I learned the virtues of patience and the joy of helping others learn.

  • 3.

    Before my first year law school finals, my wife and I were hit by a drunk driver. My law school professors showed concern and kindness during what was a very stressful period.

  • 4.

    While working as a paralegal/law student intern in Staff Counsel, I made connections with some fantastic mentors. They gave me opportunities so I could grow professionally.

  • 5.

    As my legal and professional career progressed, I was lucky enough to have fantastic managers who showed me, through their actions, how to be an effective and trusted leader.

  • 6.

    In 2016-17 I took on leadership positions on the Claim Legal Engagement Team, developing my own leadership style and helping our group make a difference in the community.

  • 7.

    Since I moved into a leadership role in November 2017, I've received great advice and perspective from my mentors and prior managers.

Defining Moments

How I responded to discouragement


    Messages from Peers:

    Working full time as a law student, while attending class evenings, would put a low ceiling on my ultimate career goals.

  • How I responded:

    Everyone owns their development path, and each person has their own path to career fulfillment. The truth is that when you look at truly successful people, they come from a variety of backgrounds. Two common themes are that they work hard, and they treat others with the same respect they expect. If you do that, you put yourself in the best position to succeed. I've worked my way from a Call Center Representative, to in-house counsel, to a 2VP with those ideas in mind.

Experiences and challenges that shaped me

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  • My family had limited means when I grew up, so I worked 2 jobs in college, and worked full time throughout law school. I never wanted my financial situation to be the reason why I couldn't achieve my dreams.